A warm welcome to our new first grade student, Mikey. He is a pro on the hoop!
Sept 20, 5-7: Go see our dazzling Giant Swallowtail and many other amazing TISA pieces at the Taos Fall Arts Show, "Of Heaven and Earth/Del Cielo y De La Tierra!" The art show opening is on Friday 5-7. It is held at the Guadalupe Gym (205 Don Fernando Road). The show will be open daily from 10-6 through Sept.29.
Sept 25, 2:45pm: Pinata party for Skylar Isabella's birthday! Yay!
Sept 26: Photo retakes
Sept 26: Miss Jutka will be attending a professional development day at MOIFA. First grade will have a substitute that day.
Sept 26: Student of the Month Celebration. Proud to announce this month's outstanding students:
Erica Gutierrez and Quinn Campbell
Sept 27 (Friday): SCHOLASTIC books!
Please consider ordering. It helps your child be part of our reading fun and develop skills to succeed in school and life. When you order on Scholastic Book Clubs, you are also supporting our class with FREE books and supplies. Book orders are due online. Please go to scholastic.com/bookclubs or here and use the first grade class code: PQNHX. Our class is listed under me, Jutka Furesz.
If you would like to order and have no online access, please send your order in and I will do it for you. :)
A few of Miss Jutka's personal favorites:
Giggle Giggle Quack $1
Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping $3.50
Who Would Win? Ultimate Rumble Pack $8.50
Does Frankenstein Get Hungry? $3.50
Sept. 30: NO SCHOOL. San Geronimo Day.
Oct.7-10: NO SCHOOL. TISA fall break.
Homework packets go home on Thursday. Please practice reading the text that's part of the homework packet every day. Kiddos are very excited about returning their homework the following Thursday.
Read every night! When a reading log is filled out and returned, your child will receive a prize!
Get online! If your child enjoys learning online, please help them get on Istation, Lexia or Keyboarding Without Tears. For login info, please go to this previous blog post:
HOOT 3 with Computer Login Info
Fiercely fashion-forward leopard chic on a rainy day.
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