Friday, April 17, 2020

DUOLINGO login info

Duolingo is a free platform for learning languages.
I am inviting your child to learn Spanish with us there!
I set up our first grade classroom and I am excited to walk you through the registration process here.

Here is the short version:
If you are on a smartphone or tablet:
1. Download the Duolingo app and open it up.
2. Press Get Started. Then select Spanish.
3. Set your Daily Goal and continue (you can change this later).
4. Create a Profile:
On Android, press the menu icon at the top right corner and press
Create a Profile.
On iOS, press Profile in the top left corner and press Create a Profile.
5. Type in your Name (pick a username that Ms Jutka can recognize),
   your child's or your own Email and Password, then press Create.
6. Go to your Profile and press Progress Sharing.
7. Type in your Classroom Code:  kchxhk
8. Press Join Class.
Voila!!! You are in!!!

Here is the detailed version with visuals:

1. First, go to

2.  You will be asked to get started by picking a language to learn: Spanish

3. Next, create your child's profile

4. When you sign up, please do use your child's first name, so I can recognize them on the roster.
(e.g. use EliTISA1 vs. Pokemon35)
Email: you are welcome to use either yours or your child's email account.

5.  Now, go to settings (Click on the blue profile picture and then choose "settings" in the pulldown menu.)

6. Here, at settings, you will need to attend to 2 things:
a/ Click on "Email not verified. Verify now." (in red)
b/ Click on Progress sharing. 

7. Finally, type in our classroom code: k c h x h k

Congratulations! You are now in TISA first grade's duolingo classroom!!
Thank you for getting there!!!!

Looking forward to learning espanol together!
Hasta la vista!

Thursday, April 16, 2020


Each student has their own individual Google account.
Your child can use this account to access their Gmail and their Google Classroom.

Your child has an email address
The email address is the first 4 letters of their first name followed by
(If your kiddo has a 3-letter first name, add their last initial as the 4th letter.)
password: 12345678 (same for each child).

To get to their gmail (emails, zoom links) or their google classroom (distance learning), your child can click on the "waffle." YUMMM!!!  The "waffle" is the icon for Google apps. (See pictures below.)

Using Google - SSIS- Help Desk - LibGuides at Hamilton School District

Google Docs

Creating your first Google class - Teaching with Google Classroom

Google Mail (Gmail) Basics

READWORKS login info

How to get to student assignments:

1. go to
2. enter class code: AABCN4
3. find your name
4. enter password: 1234 (same for every student)
5. complete your assignment

KEYBOARDING login info

KEYBOARDING Without Tears (!)
Web page (NOT an app!):
educator pin: 112602
click on your class: first grade
click on  your name (= username): same as your username for Istation (4 letters of first name)
click to enter your secret code: AB

LEXIA login info

LEXIA reading
home page:
teacher's email:
student username: same as for Istation (first 4 letters of student's first name.)
For example: jere
If a student has a 3-letter first name, please use last initial for the fourth letter.
For example: zoeb
student password: lexi

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